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This migration allows for the parallel simultaneous personalization of existing R9 and newly added R12 chips, enabling OTP banka to capitalize on the advantages of both technologies while enhancing security features and optimizing performance of its card products

Thanks to this migration, OTP banka can securely leverage features and performance of both existing Gemalto R9 and newly added R12 contactless chips, ensuring the seamless integration of OTP Bank’s VISA and MasterCard card products with the latest technological standards in banking.

The successful completion of this project underscores the outstanding collaboration and expertise demonstrated by the teams from ETRANET Group, AKD and OTP banka. Effective teamwork between involved partners and commitment to excellence ensured seamless execution at every stage of the complex implementation process. This collaborative approach fostered innovation and problem-solving, resulting in the timely delivery of a solution meeting the highest standards in banking.

As Antun Gustav Matejčić, Card Business Director at OTP banka points out: “By introducing Gemalto R12 contactless chips, OTP Bank provides a secure foundation for meeting the needs of all our clients, regardless of the business environment and place of use. The exceptional flexibility of using both existing Gemalto R9 and newly added R12 in our operations enables OTP Bank to maintain our competitive edge and provide our clients with modern, up-to-date card products that comply with the latest banking standards.”

“We are extremely proud that OTP banka has once again recognized ETRANET Group as a reliable partner for payment card infrastructure and VISA and MasterCard certification, which can additionally prepare and deliver large quantities of EFTPOS terminals in a short period of time, while respecting all security standards and providing maintenance services throughout Croatia.“, said Damir Lesničar, CEO of ETRANET Group.