A veteran of ETRANET Group, Saša started with us as a field technician – but thanks to our education opportunities now heads all our administrative and organizational affairs
The affable Saša is a living and breathing example of both individual perseverance and organizational programs for promoting within. But let’s let Saša tell us all about it…
ETRANET: You’ve been with us for quite a while…
SAŠA: Indeed, I started working with ETRANET as a very young man (laughs out loud) back in 2009, as a field technician for EFTPOS and related services ETRANET sells and supports.
ETRANET: What was it like being a field technician?
SAŠA: We have thousands of devices in the field, whether they be our own Billy fiscal cash registers, fiscal cash registers under the brand HT Mini fiskalna blagajna or numerous ETFPOS terminals we sell and support for leading banks in Croatia. My job as a field technician was to install all newly sold devices, service and exchange devices already in use and naturally, educate our customers how to best use those devices. Field techs also play a key role in device sales – we are the face of the company our customers see in person, and are best positioned to discuss customer needs and recommend appropriate products and services.
ETRANET: What made you want to leave the field?
SAŠA: I wanted to learn more about our Group’s business and find my place here in a different role. I am always open to learning more about the work I do, and keen to learn more about work that others do in order to be able to help them do it more easily. Of course, (laughs) I wasn’t getting any younger so it was high time I stopped running around as a field tech and got into a nice, cozy office.
ETRANET: New job came right away with some really unexpected challenges…?
SAŠA: Oh, yes, and that’s quite an understatement. I’ve assumed my new role right in the middle of COVID and post-COVID business challenges in 2021. With our workforce communicating mostly online and working from home, there are a lot of things that had to be fine tuned in order for the company to continue working as a well oiled machine. Happily, all of us have have joined forces and came out of those months/years together and even stronger.